
Valid at 18/5/24

Face to Face and Telehealth Appointments

Private fees may apply- at a rate of $20 above the relevant Medicare fee for non pension/concession card holders

Pensioners and concession card holder are bulk billed

Eligible DVA card holders are billed at DVA rates

Telehealth and telephone item numbers can only be billed to Medicare if a face to face appointment has occurred in the preceding 12 months

Telephone calls longer than 20 minutes may attract a private fee commensurate with the Medicare item numbers for appointments greater than 20/40/60 minutes as relevant.

Focussed psychological strategy appointments

Require a mental health treatment plan and referral from your GP if you are not a regular patient at this practice.


Private fees apply- please contact MMC for further information

Hot Potato Consulting- Dr Sandra Basham

Please discuss fees directly with Dr Basham

Counselling with Ms Lydia Goldstone

Please contact Ms Goldstone to discuss fee structure

Let’s work together